CES English Senior 25


25장   Invited to dinner.

Dialogue 1

Nancy : Come on in. I was expecting you.
낸시 : 들어오세요. 오시길 기다리고 있었어요.
Alice : Thanks.
엘리스 : 고마워요.
Nancy : I hope you didn't have any difficulty finding my house!
낸시 : 집을 찾는데 어려움이 없었기를 바래요.
Alice : Not at all. It was quite easy.
엘리스 : 전혀 없었는데요. 매우 쉬웠어요.
Nancy : Please have a seat and make yourself at home.   Dinner is almost ready.
낸시 : 자리에 앉아 편히 쉬세요. 저녁이 거의 준비됐어요.
Alice : Take your time. I'm not hungry.
엘리스 : 천천히 하세요. 배고프지 않아요.
Nancy : Can I get you anything to drink?
낸시 : 마실 것 좀 줄까요?
Alice: Nothing. Thank you. What a lovely house! And clean,too.
엘리스 : 아니, 괜찮아요. 멋진 집이네요! 그리고 깨끗한데요.
Nancy : Thank you. I was busy cooking and cleaning all afternoon.
낸시 : 고마워요. 요리하고 청소하느라고 오후 내내 바빴어요.
Alice : I can imagine.
엘리스 : 상상이 가네요.
Nancy : Well, why don't we go to the dining room now?   I have cooked some French dishes for you.
낸시 : 주방으로 지금 들어오시겠어요? 당신을 위해 프랑스 음식을  요리했어요.
Alice : Yes, they smell really good. My mouth is watering.
엘리스 : 예, 냄새가 좋은데요. 입에서 군침이 도네.

Dialogue 2

Peter : Hello!
피터 : 안녕!
Nancy : Hi, Peter. Come on in. Let me take your coat.
낸시 : 안녕, 피터. 들어와. 코트 이리 줘.
Peter : Oh, thanks. What a beautiful house!
피터 : 고마워. 멋진 집이구나!
Nancy : I'm glad you like it. Can I get you something to drink before dinner?
낸시 : 좋다니 기쁜데. 저녁 식사 전에 마실 것 줄까?
Peter : That sounds great.
피터 : 좋아.
Nancy : What would you like to drink?
낸시 : 뭘 마실래?
Peter : Can I have a glass of juice, please?
피터 : 주스 한 컵 줄래?
Nancy : Sure. I'll be right back. Please make yourself at home.
낸시 : 그래. 금방 올게. 편히 쉬고 있어.
Peter : Thanks a lot.
피터 : 고마워.


Nancy : Hi, Peter.  Please come in.
Peter : I'm sorry I'm a little late.
Nancy : That's all right.  How's everything with you?
Peter : I'm doing well.  Oh, you look so pretty in that dress.
Nancy :  Thank you.   My parents think   it's too short.   They won't let
me wear miniskirts.
Peter : That's not fair.
Nancy : That's exactly what I tell my parents.
Peter : Nancy, could you get me something to drink?  I'm thirsty.
Nancy : Sure.  Wait a minute.

25장   발음 클리닉(Pronounciation Clinic)

제5장 have 동사의 축약형 발음

조동사 have 다음에 주어가 올 때나 또는 should, would, could 등의 조동사 다음에 have가 올 때는 하나로 축약되어 발음됩니다. 먼저 긴 발음과 축약된 발음을 비교해 보겠습니다.

long : Have I (해브 아이) -> short : Have I (허바이/어바이)
long : Have we (해브 위) -> short : Have we (해뷔/어뷔/뷔)
long : Have you (해브 유) -> short : Have you (해뷰/어뷰)
long : Has it (해즈 이_?) -> short : Has it (해짙)
long : Has she (해즈 쉬) -> short : Has she (해쉬/허쉬/어쉬)
long : Has he (해즈 히) -> short : Has he (해지/허지/어지)
long : I have (아이 해브) -> short : I have (아이브/어브)
long : Should have (슈드 해브) -> short : Should have (슈더브/슈러브/슈러)
long : Would have (우드 해브) -> short : Would have (우더브/우더브/우러)
long : Could have (쿠드 해브) -> short : Could have (쿠더브/쿠러브/쿠러)

이제 한번 따라해 보세요.

long : Have I (해브 아이) -> short : Have I (허바이/어바이)
long : Have we (해브 위) -> short : Have we (해뷔/어뷔/뷔)
long : Have you (해브 유) -> short : Have you (해뷰/어뷰)
long : Has it (해즈 이_?) -> short : Has it (해짙)
long : Has she (해즈 쉬) -> short : Has she (해쉬/허쉬/어쉬)
long : Has he (해즈 히) -> short : Has he (해지/허지/어지)
long : I have (아이 해브) -> short : I have (아이브/어브)
long : Should have (슈드 해브) -> short : Should have (슈더브/슈러브/슈러)
long : Would have (우드 해브) -> short : Would have (우더브/우더브/우러)
long : Could have (쿠드 해브) -> short : Could have (쿠더브/쿠러브/쿠러)

이제 다음 문장 속에서 연습하세요. 먼저 긴 발음과 짧은 발음을 비교해 보세요.

long : Have I met him before? short : Have I met him before?
long : What have we done? short : What have we done?
long : Have you been? short : Have you been?
long : Has it happened before? short : Has it happened before?
long : Has she ever been to LA? short : Has she ever been to LA?
long : Has he gotten a speeding ticket?short : Has he gotten a speeding ticket?
long : I have gone there. short : I have gone there.
long : We should have called you. short : We should have called you.
long : I would have gone there. short : I would have gone there.
long : He could have done it. short : He could have done it.

이제 한번 따라해 보세요.

long : Have I met him before? short : Have I met him before?
long : What have we done? short : What have we done?
long : Have you been? short : Have you been?
long : Has it happened before? short : Has it happened before?
long : Has she ever been to LA? short : Has she ever been to LA?
long : Has he gotten a speeding ticket?short : Has he gotten a speeding ticket?
long : I have gone there. short : I have gone there.
long : We should have called you. short : We should have called you.
long : I would have gone there. short : I would have gone there.
long : He could have done it. short : He could have done it.

관련 가사

가수 노래제목  
ces CES English Senior 35  
ces CES English Senior 38  
ces CES English Senior 11  
ces CES English Senior 40  
ces CES English Senior 01  
ces CES English Senior 24  
ces CES English Senior 34  
ces CES English Senior 31  
ces CES English Senior 10  
ces CES English Senior 32  

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