가수, 노래, 앨범, 가사내용 검색이 가능합니다.

Dance like me 치타부

Follow me Follow me Dance like me (DooRoo DooRoo DooBiDoop DooBapBa) Follow me Follow me Dance like me (DooRoo DooRoo DooBiDoop DooBapBa) Follow me Follow me Dance like me (DooRoo DooRoo DooBiDoop DooBapBa

Monkey Dance 치타부

m a monkey, monkey, kikiki Monkey, kikiki, monkey, kikiki I’m a monkey, monkey, kikiki tada tatata, tada tatata tada ta, tata, ta-ta-ta tada ta tata, tada ta tata tada ta, ta, tata, ta- ta-ta Let's dance

Dinosaur Dance Song 치타부

"Will you dance the dinosaur song with me?" "Okay!” Put your hands up Push forward push them out Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh Open your mouth Shout it out loud Roar! roar!

Welcome to the animal hospital 치타부

“Hey guys, I’m here for you” Welcome to the animal hospital What brings you here My back is so itchy itchy Please help me out It's itchy itchy here It's itchy itchy there I can't scratch my back Everywhere

Sea Animals Dance Party 치타부

In the deep part of the sea Dance party Dance party In the deep part of the sea Welcome Welcome aboard In the deep part of the sea Anglerfish Anglerfish In the deep part of the sea I’m happy to see you

I Love Mommy Daddy 치타부

I like my house I like my toys, too I like delicious food I like animals, too But the best thing is my mommy and daddy Mommy daddy mommy daddy Mommy daddy mommy daddy I love my mommy She takes good care

If you're happy 치타부

If you're happy and you know it, do it like (a Lion!) If you're happy and you know it, do it like (a Gorilla!)

We are the Rainbow Dinosaurs 치타부

Red apple yum yum yum yum yum Red apple yum yum yum yum yum If you give me the red apple I’m a red tyrannosaurus Orange carrot yum yum yum yum Orange carrot yum yum yum yum If you give me the orange carrot

Speedy Racing Car 치타부

show you that I can come in first place When the color of traffic lights change into green All get ready to run and make roaring engine sound Lightning Dash slash through the blast of wind With thunder like

Bone Bone Bone! Daonosaur Fossil 치타부

Discovered me came back to life Bone bone bone Dinosaur fossil (Ha! Ha!) Frightful terrifying jawbone Have short arms and enormous legs “Ah!” Yes correct!

Move Like Sea Animals 치타부

Move like the crab snap snap snap (Snap snap!) Move like the crab snap snap snap (Snap snap!) Move like the crab snap snap snap (Snap snap!)

I’m The Best Sports Car! 치타부

What is faster than a running rabbit What is faster than a running horse What is faster than a running cheetah It is the sports car, Storm Vroom vroom like a storm Vroom vroom like a thunder Vroom vroom

The Great Scary Mutans 치타부

Eating in your mouth and excreting I can finish it all in three minutes I’m surviving by eating sugar My name is Mutans I'm I'm Mutans The great Mutans Nibbling teeth away in your mouth cavity bacteria I like

Butterfly In Five Colors 치타부

Red, red butterfly Flying up in the sky Among the butterflies Flapping off so high Apple and cherry Also like tomato My beautiful wings Are red in color Pink, pink butterfly Flying up in the sky Among

Bubble Bubble Wash The Car 치타부

the stain Twinkle twinkle Let’s wash the car Dirty and dusty Let’s wash the car Splash and splash Soap bubbles (La la la la) Squish and squash Now let’s wash the car rub the stain Twinkle twinkle “Let me

Rhino Beetle Song 치타부

I have horns like a deer I am a rhino beetle Strong power So healthy body Nice rhino beetle I have very long horns Hercules rhino beetle Very long horn Mottled body Hercules rhino beetle I have three horns

Let's Keep Order, Like This 치타부

Try to do it like how I’m doing it Sit on the chair while you’re eating Don’t kick the front seat in the theater Good job, you’re doing great “I am not sure what to do” Try to do it like I’m doing it Don

Who’s the Strongest Shark? 치타부

It's me, it's me I am the best Oh, Sharp and pointy teeth Oh, Spiky pointy fins Me, me, It's me, It's me, It’s me, It’s me The awesome white shark It's me, it's me I am the best Oh, Enormous body Oh,

Colorful Ice Cream Truck 치타부

Ice cream Ice cream Fruit, Cookie, Candy Red, yellow, green, purple like a rainbow Colorful ice cream Ice cream Ice cream Colorful ice cream Apple, Berry, Pineapple, Lemon Red yellow ice cream Ice cream

Bichitos Escondidos 치타부

Verde verde como el pasto Y aquí me escondo (¿Qué?) Mira bien y me encontrarás Soy un saltamontes (¡Sí!) Largo largo como un palo Y aquí me escondo (¿Sí?)

¿Estrellita, Dónde Estás? 치타부

Me pregunto qué serás En la noche, en tu lugar Estrellita brilla más ¿Estrellita, dónde estás? Me pregunto qué serás ¿Estrellita, dónde estás?

Amo a mamá y papá 치타부

Amo mi casa y mis juguetes Amo los postres y a mi mascota Pero amo más a mis papitos Mami, papi, mami, papi, mami, papi, mami, papi Amo a mi mami Ella me cuida Amo a mi papi El me protege Mis papitos

¡No Toques tu Nariz! 치타부

Pica, pica Me pica la nariz Toco, toco Me toco la nariz No, no, no, no Si tocas tu nariz Se meterán los gérmenes ¡Oh, oh! ¡oh, oh!

Go! Go! Sports Car Larry 치타부

Fancy red elegant curves The engine sounds loud and powerful Vroom Vroom Vroom Vroom I have two doors Folding my wings Running like a flaming fire Vroom Vroom Vroom Vroom I can run to the world Larry Go

El Hospital de los Dinosaurios 치타부

Paciente pasa por favor Dime qué te duele Me duele la cabeza Estoy mareado Estaba jugando y me lastimé Debes ser mas cuidadoso Ahora debes descansar “¡Qué pase el siguiente!”

Arcoíris de Dinosaurios 치타부

Manzana roja ñam ñam ñam Manzana roja ñam ñam ñam Si me como la manzana Soy Tiranosaurio rojo Zanahoria naranja ñam ñam ñam Zanahoria naranja ñam ñam ñam Si me como la zanahoria Soy Estegosaurio naranja

Popó pide calaverita 치타부

Me duele la pancita Toc toc toc ¿Hay alguien ahí? Zombi Popó Zombi Popó "¡Uaah!" "¡Oh no! ¿qué es eso?" Toc, toc, toc ¿Hay alguien ahí? Me duele la pancita Toc, toc, toc ¿Hay alguien ahí?

The Animal Hospital 치타부

I'm here for you” This is animal hospital Tell me where it hurts Throb throb My teeth hurt so much Please help me, doctor!

Plantas monstruosas 치타부

Somos, somos monstruosas Somos, somos las plantas Queremos presentarnos Somos, somos carnívoras Yo soy venus atrapamoscas Me dicen planta drácula Atrapo bichos con mi boca Yo soy drácula atrapamoscas

Let’s go! Police squad! 치타부

It’s still chasing me!” “Freeze!” “Haha!” Wee woo wee woo weewoo weewoo Wee woo wee woo weewoo weewoo Wee woo wee woo weewoo weewoo Righteous police squad! "Haha! You can’t get me in here!”

We Are The Car Family 치타부

Little baby car Little baby car (Peep peep) Little baby car Solar power car I am so hungry Give me solar power Sun shine, Bright shine Oh oh oh oh Pretty mommy car Pretty mommy car (Honk honk) Pretty

The Alien song 치타부

Last night (Last night) In the alley (in the alley) A UFO (a UFO) Appeared (Appeared) Last night what I met was real It was an Alien for real The alien (The alien) Looking at me (looking at me) We were

Cinco patitos 치타부

Cinco patitos salieron a jugar Caminaron y se fueron lejos Mamá cuac cuac los llamó Solo cuatro regresaron “¡Me falta uno!” “¡Iremos por él!”

We Are Heavy Equipments 치타부

I can take care of heavy things Leave it with me “Ahem! Don’t worry about materials” Dig Dig Let’s go Excavator Dig dig dig (dig!) Dig dig dig (dig!)

Olorosos Bichos 치타부

Aquí están Oloroso bicho soy yo Huelo mal (mal) Huelo mal (mal) Si me tocas apestará “Fuchi Fuchi huele mal” Chinche parda Oloroso bicho soy yo Huelo mal (mal) Huelo mal (mal) Si me tocas apestará “Fuchi

Who is cuter, Meow? Woof? 치타부

"Me?!" "Me?!" "What? The cutie is me!" "I'm a real cutie!" “Let's compete to see who's cuter! Meow!” “Let's compete to see who's cuter! Woof!” I’m a cute kitty, meow meow I’m so lovely "Meow?"

Restos Huesos Fósiles de Dinosaurios 치타부

Viví en el cretácico Restos, huesos fósiles (Ja ja) Me encontraron y volví a vivir Restos, huesos fósiles (Ja ja) Temible y fuerte mandíbula Brazos cortos y largas piernas “¡Ajá!”

I'm Best Hairdresser 치타부

“I want to change my hair style” Shaka shaka chaka chaka I'm the best hairdresser What kind of haircut do you want You can trust in me Stretch out out out Shalalala lal-la Jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle

Let’s go to Monster Village 치타부

To the monster village To the monster village To the monster village There will be monsters What kind of monsters What kind of monsters Grey-colored body Nimble and fast movement Thunder like howling That

I am Tyrannosaurus Rex 치타부

let me introduce myself" I am tyrannosaurus rex Mighty and scary Fierce looking eyes strong mighty teeth I am tyrannosaurus rex Ta ra ra ra ra ra ra I am tyrannosaurus rex Mighty and scary Before you

Let’s Go Marine Police 치타부

Stop chasing me!” When you fall in the sea “Help me!” Shout out and call our name We are marine police! “I can’t swim!” “Let me help you!” “Thank you so much!” “Oh no!

Don’t Follow Strangers 치타부

for help they won’t even if she is a tired old lady Don’t follow someone you don’t know Don’t do that Shout out, shout loud Shout you need help when it’s dangerous Don't do that Please help I don't like

Hide, Bug Friends 치타부

Longish, longish Like a long stick Indeed a long brown branch (Really?) But take a closer look I am a walking stick (Yay!) Sticking up in dark brown Indeed a stem in dark brown (Huh?)

Vegetable Song 치타부

“Wah, looks delicious” “Would you like to try some?” “Yes!” Crunchy crunchy cabbage Where is it? Here I am, Here I am I’ll have it Crunchy crunchy cabbage So delicious yeah!

Animal Counting Song 치타부

"Looks like the animals have disappeared." "Don't worry! I'll look for them!" One, two, three! One, two, three! Count the animals together One, two, three!

Poopy Halloween 치타부

Knock knock knock Anyone inside I have a tummy ache Knock knock knock Anyone inside Witch poops Witch poops "Bahahaha" "Help me!"

Rainbow Sharks 치타부

I am I am I am navy Navy navy navy shark Hello, hello dear shark What color do you have there I am I am I am purple Purple purple purple shark Hello, hello dear sharks What color do you all have Like

¡Vamos al Baño! 치타부

pum, pum, pum, pum Haz popó pum, pum, pum Vamos al baño Haz popó pum, pum, pum Pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum Haz popó pum, pum, pum Vamos al baño Terminando pum, pum, pum Pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum Me

El Mosquito y La Mosca 치타부

(Bzzzz) Vuela, vuela Escapa de aquí, escapa de allá Vuela, vuela Estoy en un problema si me atrapan Vuela, vuela Escapa de aquí, escapa de allá Vuela, Vuela Estoy en un problema si me atrapan Soy

Smelly Bugs 치타부

If you touch me, it smells Toot Toot "Stinky! Stinky! Stinky Toot Toot!" Stinky Stinky Stinkbug Wobble Wobble I'm a firefly Wobble Wobble (Oh!) Wobble Wobble (No!)