*There is a rock, a solid rock
A rock we`ve built our lives upon
There is a hope, a blessed hope,
So we now shout it to the world
Light of the world, light of all truth
Salvation comes from only You
Our shelter and strength, through all ages past
Your awesome power has been seen
The nations are searching
For something that`s absolutely true
So we now declare it
Jesus all truth is found in You
*There is a rock, a solid rock
A rock we`ve built our lives upon
There is a hope, a blessed hope,
So we now shout it to the world
Rejected by men but chosen by God,
You are the precious cornerstone
You are building Your church
Through out all the earth
Forever its power will be shown
The nations are searching
For something that`s absolutely true
So we now declare it
Jesus all truth is found in You
** On Christ the solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand
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