"Look at the shadow and guess what sea animal it is!"
What sea animal is it
What sea animal is it
What sea animal is it
Guess what it is
Open and close, tiny mouth
Moving gently, swaying fins
Aha aha, I got it
It is a fish
What sea animal is it
What sea animal is it
What sea animal is it
Guess what it is
Triangle shape, unique head
Squishy squishy, ten long legs
Aha aha, I got it
It is a squid
What sea animal is it
What sea animal is it
What sea animal is it
Guess what it is
Round and round, circular back
Slowly slowly, four short legs
Aha aha, I got it
It’s a turtle
What sea animal is it
What sea animal is it
What sea animal is it
Guess what it is
Sharp and pointy, spiky teeth
Very spiky, pointy fins
Aha aha, I got it
It is a shark