You are always talking with a pretty smelly mouth as a philosopher%D
And your loyal dogs all around you are full of admiration %D
Even though I stuff this shit into my mouth, no one can surpass you%D
I hang up flesh of mouth and breast that I've seen with a silk thread%D
tinged with dewy lucidness in my freezer%D
I pull out yellowy blinking eyeballs, adorned pretty well,%D
and present my sexual organ to him%D
Hit with a hard blow shabby flesh talking about pessimism%D
over and over, you throw out viceral once more%D
Whenever moving your flesh on the rug dyed crimson,%D
savor the organ's sap, pumping out, stimvlating my nose more%D
Whenever your bloody smell is getting violent,%D
your loyal dogs give a shout of joy%D
Acclaming with subtle cajolery......