
Red Sonnet
I stand behind my eyes
You'll stay in the rain
I stuck in dirty place
Rain just through me out
You told me
I am not perfect
From inside of my memories
just took away
From the gaps of cold fingers
A lonesomely summer passed by
While I was standing there
Staying in the rain
I was kept being on
As long as it will cool down
In the dead season
Just wandering shadows
From the gap of time
I was gone
in the rain
Keep shaking in the rain
In my time it was gone
Your tears are
Echoing in the mirror
I will wither away before my eyes
After chasing
I just noticed it was late
I can not do anything
I was crying
Next morning
I wonder if my heart was
in the clouds
In the dead season
Just wandering shadows
From the gap of time
I was gone
in the rain
Keep shaking in the rain
In my time it was gone
Your tears are
Echoing in the mirror
I will wither away before my eyes
I wear clothes that do not suit
I wanted to say I love you
But you are
will not turn around
Until the last minute
I tried chasing you
I hate words
It's so painful
I was shocked this morning
My last shout falling in the sky
In the dead season
Just wandering shadows
From the gap of time
I was gone
in the rain
Keep shaking in the rain
In my time it was gone
Your tears are
Echoing in the mirror
I will wither away before my eyes

그외 검색된 가사들

가수 노래제목
적우(Red Rain)/적우(Red Rain) 마더 (Mother)
적우 (Red Rain) ♬ Nah Neh Nah  적우 (Red Rain)
Red Rain 사랑아
Various Artists Red Rain
Red Flag Rain
Red Rain 개여울
The White Stripes Red Rain
적우(Red Rain) 고별
적우(Red Rain) 미련
적우 (Red Rain) 사랑아
적우 (Red Rain) 열애
적우(Red Rain) 임진강
적우 사랑아 (Red Rain)
적우(Red Rain) 개여울
적우 (Red Rain) 빗물
적우(Red Rain) 사랑아
적우(Red Rain) 오늘까지
적우 (Red Rain) SEPTEMBER

가사 수정 / 삭제


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