3,6,9 the goose drank wine
the monkey chewd the t
abacco on the street car line
and the line broke and
the monkey got chocked
and they all went to heaven
in a lil roow boat clap clap
Lady and gentlemen am a
bout to make you feel alright
ive got the beat to move yo
ur feet plus I know just what you like,
your hotter then a pepper1,2
stepper baby that is a shame
you gota keep it moving got
ta keep it movin cause baby your off the chain
Now let me see you like a
hanky panky am a turn around girl
gonna do let me lay you down
there are a couple of games I like to play
by the time I do this is what ya'll day
3,6,9 the goose drank wine
the monkey chewd the t
abacco on the street car line
and the line broke and the
monkey got chocked
and they all went to hea
ven in a lil roow boat clap clap
3,6,9 the goose drank wine
the monkey chewd the ta
bacco on the street car line
and the line broke and th
e monkey got chocked
and they all went to hea
ven in a lil roow boat clap clap
If you got a problem I don
t wanna hear it just let it go
all my lady's on the beat l
et me see you drop it to the floor
Fella's tkae a look around
lady's are soo finee
is goin down so get on up no
w act like your second on line
Now let me see you like a
hanky panky am a turn around girl
gonna do let me lay you down
there are a couple of games I like to play
by the time I do this is what ya'll day
3,6,9 the goose drank wine
the monkey chewd the tab
acco on the street car line
and the line broke and the
monkey got chocked
and they all went to hea
ven in a lil roow boat clap clap
3,6,9 the goose drank wine
the monkey chewd the t
abacco on the street car line
and the line broke and t
he monkey got chocked
and they all went to
heaven in a lil roow boat clap clap
Actn like a rattle the way she movin f
aster then go slow like a d
olla so maybe me n her can get to
chewn like taboacco this ol
d fashion talk but my thing is rathe
r dather and plus I got my
but because I be on my
gizzle that mean am on my grind
all the time no matter how little her
name is call me up meet you in a lil bit
So am tryn to see if she can clap clap
Independent women le
t me see you clap clap
Playa's in the building
let me see you clap clap
Came to get it started l
et me see you clap clap
Came to have a party le
t me see you clap clap
3,6,9 the goose drank wine
the monkey chewd the t
abacco on the street car line
and the line broke and th
e monkey got chocked
and they all went to heav
en in a lil roow boat clap clap
3,6,9 the goose drank wine
the monkey chewd the t
abacco on the street car line
and the line broke and
the monkey got chocked
and they all went to heav
en in a lil roow boat clap clap
3,6,9 the goose drank wine
the monkey chewd the
tabacco on the street car line
and the line broke and th
e monkey got chocked
and they all went to he
aven in a lil roow boat clap clap
3,6,9 the goose drank wine
the monkey chewd the ta
bacco on the street car line
and the line broke and the
monkey got chocked
and they all went to heav
en in a lil roow boat clap clap